Join my second free career workshop

I’m back at it this week on Wednesday, February 15 from 1:30 PT – 2:30 PT with Malena Mesarina. We’ll be covering how to address the stress of career transition along with what it takes to successfully prepare for job interviews. We’ll point you to free resources including frameworks, solved cases, a pool of real interview questions, and access to mock interviews to practice and network 24/7 with other professionals.
You’ll leave with practical tactics to land the job you want.
Malena Mesarina co-founded StellarPeers in 2017, the #1 peer community platform for professionals to prepare for interviews at top technology companies. Besides running StellarPeers, she also provides private coaching, having helped 60+ product managers receive offers from Meta, Google, Amazon, and other top tech companies. Before StellarPeers, Malena was a Corporate Strategy manager at Adobe Systems and a Research Scientist at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. She is the author of 13 scientific papers and holds 13 patents.
For those who missed last week’s session, here’s the recording.
Here’s the link to register for this week.