Feeling Safe and Taking Risks

Our DNA drives us to look for threats. We exist wired to look for what is wrong, but living in constant attack mode taxes our system. Some unwiring allows us to move from constant fight, flight, freeze mode to rest, digest, and consciously act.
Allow yourself some time and space to foster a sense of safety.
Sit tall or lay on your back. Breathe deeply and slowly. Join me in this mantra shared by Ginger Garner:
Breathing in, it is safe to feel safe.
Breathing out, it is safe to feel safe.
Inhale it is safe to feel safe.
Exhale it is safe to feel safe.
In safe.
Out safe.
In safe.
Out safe.
From this place of safety, it is ok to try what you’ve been wanting to try, do what you know needs to be done.