Where can you pick up where you left off?

For the past 15 months, I’ve spent a good bit of time listening to podcasts on Stitcher at the gym, on planes, and in car rides. When I return after a break, the female voice says in her British accent, “Resuming episode.” My playlist predominantly consists of what I like to call “Buddha Mama’s,” a running list of mindful women who expand my mind. Seane Corn. Krista Tippett. Brene Brown. Roshi Joan Halifax. Byron Katie. Sylvia Boorstein. Sharon Salzberg. Pema Chodron. Tara Brach. Glennon Doyle. bell hooks. Eve Ensler. Kristi Coulter. Ruth Ozeki. Dani Shapiro. Michelle Obama. S
I’ve picked up all sorts of gems from my listening. And I’m ready to give back.
With Mardi Gras approaching, I’m picking up where I left off. I’m resuming my Tuesday entries of #mardimeditation #seedstogrowgrace installments. As I metaphorically pick up my pen to post, what opportunity do you have to resume your work? What have you put aside that’s calling for your attention?
What project, friendship, hobby, or hope awaits your return?
Need a nudge? Join my monthly goal group for motivation and virtual encouragement.