This is not a stop sign. This is a warning sign. You keep going and use caution. Accomplishing our dreams means overcoming obstacles. Let your realist kick in to complement your optimist. Imagine the obstacles you are facing and start coming up with strategies to get over those obstacles. Stuck? Find someone who has faced […]
On the Record, Going for Grace
My twins turned seven last week. On their birthday, I went on the record, “If the mommy monster comes out, I want you to ask for grace from me.” Until they were three and a half, I had boundless patience with them. For the first half of their lives, I was patient. And then, my […]
From Worry to Aware
Are you feeling generally anxious? What can you do to shift that feeling? How can you become more conscious of what is happening? Accept what is. Own what you can control. Gain the information. Acquire the skills. Ask for help. Take action to defend, protect. #mardimeditation #seedstogrowgrace