Justice, Faith, and Power

Do you know what the Mardi Gras colors represent? I didn’t. The internet did:
- Purple – symbolizes Justice
- Green – symbolizes Faith
- Gold – symbolizes Power
I had the chance to be in New Orleans the first Mardi Gras after Katrina. Resilient spirits lined the streets. Talk about persisters! Celebration in the wake of devastation, the city rose to the occasion.
In the spirit of persistence, grab your Mardi Gras beads and breathe with me:
Breathe in and invite justice – breathe out and offer justice.
Breathe in and invite faith – breathe out and offer faith.
Breathe in and invite power – breathe out and offer power.
Inhale justice, exhale justice.
Inhale faith, exhale faith.
Inhale power, exhale power.
May your Mardi Gras abound with justice, faith, and power. Here are my earlier posts on the background and kickoff of these Mardi Meditations.
#mardimeditation #persist